Saturday, September 24, 2016

SKINCARE | Hydrating Mask: Sheet Vs. Bottled-PART 2

Now, let's talk about bottled mask. I mean, I like some of it, but I just don't Love it as much. Maybe because all I am looking for is hydrating, which by the way, it is "almost" the only thing you can expect from a sheet mask, I just don't see a immediate results like sheet mask provides.

For example, my Glamglow hydrating mask in blue bottle. I love the smell, I do, it is really coconutty, it is strong, but not so much that you can't stand it. It applys smooth, and feel good. After I rinse the mask off, I can feel the smoothness on my skin, but that's about it. I don't feel as hydrated as some of my very inexpensive sheet mask like the Hyaluronic Acid mask from Dr. Morita, it is so full with essence, and I can use the leftover all over my neck, décolleté, sometimes my feet. It is super versatile.

Here is my current bottle mask family:

However, there are things sheet mask cannot give you: sleeping mask. 🌙

This goes on the last step of my night time routine. You put it on, you don't have to wash it off until morning. It is great for "lazy" or "busy" people. When you are exhausted, all you want to do is sleep, but your skin is dry, uncomfortable, or it is in need of hydration, do you want to put a sheet mask on and then have to take off after 10-20 minutes?

NO NO NO... Sleep is soooo important and amazing

When this happens, bottled mask is great!! You don't have to worry until you wake up.
However, the key for sleeping mask is: it cannot block your pore.

I know I might get a lot of "hate" from saying this, but Origins' Drink Up overnight mask really didn't do much to me. I feel like it just sit on top of my face all night. My skin doesn't absorb it, it doesn't really hydrates, and I see some break-outs under my chin, which is a place I have never get breakouts. I even give this a 2nd, 3rd, 4th,..... chances, no, it was not great, unfortunately.

What worked for me, is the one from CLINIQUE. Their overnight mask was GREAT! How could I tell? My blackheads. You are like, what?? Blackheads?

Well, yes. I am not sure about you, but right after I wash my face, there is no blackheads anywhere near my nose. I have a perfect nose...hahaha. But after 5minutes, just 5minutes, here it is: BLACKHEADS >><<< So it gets me thinking, why? It was simple answer, hydration. I need hydrating my nose, obviously my nose is super oily, without enough water to balance, oil plugged the pore, and there is blackheads.

I was using CLINIQUE religiously after seen a results. I use this every other night, and after using for a month, my nose condition got better. Even though I also use other products to help to minimize my pore, I have to say this overnight mask did a good job.

I just purchased a overnight mask from Sulwhasoo, I will let you know how I like it. How do you like bottled mask compare to sheet mask?


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